Your California Privacy Rights

Your California Privacy Rights

Last update: June 21, 2024

This Notice applies to consumers who reside in the State of California or other U.S. states which have enacted comprehensive privacy laws.

If you are a California resident, you may ask us to refrain from sharing your personal information with certain Delivery Solutions affiliates and other third parties for their marketing purposes. Please contact us by e-mail using the E-mail Application.

To opt-out of the disclosure of personal information about you for monetary or other valuable consideration, click  Do Not Sell My Personal Information.

You also may write to us at:

Delivery Solutions
6009 W Parker Rd. #149 & 370
Plano, TX 75093
United States

For more information, see Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice.

Personal Information We Collect about California Consumers

We describe the personal information we have collected about consumers in the twelve (12) months preceding the effective date of the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice in the part titled, “Information We Obtain.” The information we have obtained includes the following:

  • Identifiers such as name, physical address, email address, username, password and other credentials used to access Delivery Solutions products and services, social media handles, and, when you visit our websites, use our apps or interact with Delivery Solutions-related tools, widgets or plug-ins, Internet Protocol address and unique device identifier.
  • The following categories of personal information described in California Civil Code § 1798.80(e): (1) the personal information listed in the preceding bullet point as “identifiers,” (2) signature, (3) telephone number, (4) payment information (including payment card details or online payment services number and invoicing address) and financial information (such as bank account numbers), and (5) the other information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual that we describe in “Information We Obtain.”
  • Commercial information, including (1) records of services purchased or received from Delivery Solutions, (2) information provided to us regarding the content of certain shipments, but only to the extent an identifiable person can be linked to such content, (3) information on actions taken on Delivery Solutions websites or mobile apps, which may include information about Delivery Solutions services considered, and (4) information about consumer preferences and behavior that we collect on our websites and mobile apps or purchase from third parties in order to target consumers for digital advertisements or to personalize content we deliver on our websites and mobile apps.
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with Delivery Solutions websites and mobile apps, and Delivery Solutions advertisements that we display on Delivery Solutions websites or mobile apps or on third party sites and apps.
  • Geolocation data.
  • Audio information from calls placed with customer service and accounting centers which may be recorded, and electronic information in the form of Internet or other electronic network activity information as described above.
  • Professional or employment-related information in the form of business contact information such as name, company name, physical address and email address and telephone or fax number.
  • Inferences drawn from (1) the information we collect when you visit our websites, use our apps, or interact with Delivery Solutions-related tools, widgets or plug-ins or our official social media pages, (2) information we collect, including through third-party suppliers, regarding content and other data posted on the Internet (such as public locations on the Internet), and (3) information about consumer preferences and behavior that we collect on our websites and mobile apps or purchase from third parties in order to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, predispositions, behavior, and attitudes.
  • Sensitive personal information such as account login information allowing access to an account, and precise geolocation data, in each case as further described above in the relevant categories.

We collect this personal information from sources including yourself directly and others (e.g., ecommerce retailers) whom you instruct to interact with us on your behalf, shippers, consignees and other customers, including customers of our forwarding and logistics services, public databases, social networks, and third party partners such as analytics or marketing providers. For more information, please see “Information We Obtain” in the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice.

Disclosures of Personal Information for Monetary or Other Valuable Consideration or for Business Purposes

We have not disclosed any personal information of Delivery Solutions customers for monetary or other valuable consideration within the twelve (12) months preceding the effective date of the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice.

We have disclosed personal information in all or substantially all of the categories identified in this Addendum for various business purposes within the twelve (12) months preceding the effective date of the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice. For more information about the categories of personal information we have disclosed, the categories of entities with which we have disclosed this information and the purposes for which we have disclosed the information, please see “When and How We Share Your Information” in the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice.

We do not disclose personal information of individuals we know to be under the age of 16 to business or third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration as a “sale” of personal information or for cross-context behavioral advertising as the “sharing” of personal information under California or Virginia law, without affirmative authorization.

Use of Personal Information about Consumers

We use the personal information we collect about California consumers for the business purposes disclosed within the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice.  For more information, please see “How We Use the Information We Obtain” in the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice

The business purposes for which we may use personal information about consumers include:

  • Auditing related to counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with this specification and other standards;
  • Helping to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of a consumer's personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes;
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors in our systems;
  • Short-term, transient use including non-personalized advertising shown as part of a consumer’s current interaction with us;
  • Providing services on our behalf or on behalf of another, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, fulfilling transactions, verifying identity information, processing payments, and other services. This includes:
    • Conducting internal research to develop and demonstrate technology; and
    • Conducting activity to verify, enhance, and maintain the quality or safety of services or devices which we may own, control, or provide.

We may also use the information we collect for our own or our service providers’ other operational purposes, purposes for which we provide you additional notice, purposes disclosed elsewhere in this Addendum or the Delivery Solutions Privacy Notice, or for purposes compatible with the context in which the personal information was collected.

Delivery Solutions does not use sensitive personal information for purposes that would give rise to a right to limit the use or disclosure of sensitive personal information for residents of California.

Your Privacy Rights

If you reside in a U.S. state that has enacted a comprehensive consumer data privacy law, you may have one or more of the following rights. We will honor requests received to the extent required by applicable law and within the time provided by law.

  • Right to Know. You have the right to request that we disclose to you the categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you. Specifically, you have the right to request that we disclose what personal information we have collected, used, disclosed, including:
    • Whether we are processing personal information about you;
    • Specific pieces of information that we have collected about you;
    • Categories of personal information we have collected about you;
    • Categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
    • Categories of third parties to whom we disclose personal information;

The business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing personal information;

    • Categories of personal information about you, if any, that we have sold or shared and the categories of third parties to whom we have sold or shared the information, by category or categories of personal information for each category of third party to whom we sold or shared the personal information; and
    • Categories of personal information about you that we disclosed for a business purpose and the categories of recipients to whom we disclosed the information for a business purpose.

As used above, “sale,” “sold,” “selling,” “shared,” and “sharing” have the meanings provided in U.S. state comprehensive consumer data privacy laws.

  • Right to Correct. You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate personal information that we have collected about you.
  • Right to Delete. You have the right to request that we delete personal information that we have collected about you. Please note if you have requested a service that requires the use of your personal information, we may not be able to provide that service if you choose to delete your personal information.
  • Right to Opt Out. You have the right to opt out of the disclosure of personal information about you for monetary or other valuable consideration, the sharing of personal information about you for cross-context behavioral advertising, targeted advertising, and profiling. To opt-out, click here or as provided below under “Requests to Exercise Your Rights.” If we receive and are able to process a signal from your device indicating your preference to opt out from sales or sharing of personal information, as defined by law, then we will apply that preference to personal information we collect from that device, provided that we may not be able to associate the signal to the same device if:
    • you use a different web browser or other tool to interact with us,
    • you make changes to your browser (e.g., uninstall and reinstall or certain types of upgrades) that impact our ability to associate the device with the signal your device originally sent, or
    • you clear cookies or browsing data from your browser or device in a way that impacts our ability to associate the device with the signal your device originally sent.

Please note that a signal sent from one device will not apply to other devices you use or to data that we collect from you through other sources.

To opt out of the collection of personal information by certain of our social media, advertising, and analytics partners, you can visit Cookie Settings the following site:

Delivery Solutions

  • Right to Appeal. If we decline to take action on a request that you make in accordance with the foregoing to exercise the foregoing privacy rights, then you may appeal our decision by submitting an appeals request through the Delivery Solutions E-mail Application.

Verification Process

For requests made in connection with the Right to Know, Right to Correct, and/or Right to Delete, please note:

  • As required or permitted under applicable law, we may take steps to verify your request before we can provide personal information to you, correct or delete personal information, or otherwise process your request.  To verify your request, we may require you to provide your name, physical address, email address, contact information, and information about your account or previous transactions with us. If we believe we need further information to verify your request as required by law, we may ask you to provide additional information to us.
  • We will deliver personal information that we are required by law to disclose to you in the manner required by law within 45 days after receipt of a request, unless we notify you that we require additional time to respond, in which case we will respond within such additional period of time required by law. We may deliver the personal information to you through your account, if you maintain an account with Delivery Solutions, or electronically or by mail at your option. If electronically, then we will deliver the information to you or, at your request, to another entity, in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format that allows you to transmit the information from one entity to another without hindrance.


We may not discriminate against you because of your exercise of any of the foregoing privacy rights, or any other rights under your U.S. state’s comprehensive consumer data privacy law, including by:

  • Denying you goods or services;
  • Charging different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties;
  • Providing you a different level or quality of goods or services; or
  • Suggesting that you will receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.

We may, however, charge different prices or rates, or provide a different level or quality of goods or services, if that difference is reasonably related to the value provided to Delivery Solutions  by your personal information. We may limit our response to your exercise of rights as permitted by law.

Requests to Exercise Your Rights

You may request to exercise the foregoing rights by:

Agent Authorization

You may designate an authorized agent to request any of the above rights on your behalf. You may make such a designation by providing the agent with written permission, signed by you, to act on your behalf.  Your agent may contact us via the information provided in the “How to Contact Us” section below to make a request on your behalf. Even if you choose to use an agent, we may, as permitted by law, require:

  • The authorized agent to provide proof that you provided signed permission to the authorized agent to submit the request
  • You to verify your identity directly with us; or
  • You to directly confirm with us that you provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request.